Sunday, 1 November 2015

Interview Questions

During a recent telephone conversation with Paula, we discussed the direction my inquiry is taking. We spoke about 'personality tests', which had originally inspired my inquiry topic. Although they are commonly used by employers and in daily life, there is some controversy around personality tests, and it is unclear as to how they have been researched and tested, and results are measured. To use personality tests as part of my inquiry would present too many variables, which is why I decided on interviews as my inquiry tool. 

Paula and I discussed the questions I will use for my interviews. We decided that they should include key words, but should be thought of as conversational, and be open- ended, giving my participants the opportunity to discuss their experiences. 

The questions I decided on for my interviews are as below:

1. Through- out your dance training, specifically whilst at full- time dance college, what did you learn about yourself?

2. How has a practitioner, dance teacher, figure of authority, etc. influenced you in your life?

3. How would you characterise yourself?

4. What have you learnt about yourself since leaving full- time education and working as a professional dancer?

5. How do you view dancing as a profession?

6. Since leaving dance education have you ever been asked to characterise yourself/ complete personality testing by an employer? If yes, in what context? 

7. Where do you think your strengths and weaknesses lie?

8. How do you think your current employer would describe you? 

9. Which skills or characteristics do you use in your current job role? 

10. How has your dance training affected you, in non dance related areas of work? 

After conducting my interviews I will be able to analyse the answers and try to find similarities, or common themes that have been discussed by my participants. I am hoping that the results will point towards common characteristics or attributes, being used from one stage of life to another- particularly, from full- time dance training, to job roles outside of the field of dance. 

'Transferable skills are general skills you can use in many jobs. You gain these skills from previous jobs, projects, voluntary work, sport, your home life, hobbies and interests. They enable you to be adaptable and flexible in case you need to change your job'. (National Careers Service)

I will research and discuss which transferable skills or characteristics are desirable to employers,  and the benefits of personality testing in current society. 

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