A SWOT analysis is a structured model that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organisation, business model or project. When completed, a SWOT analysis determines what may assist you in accomplishing your objectives, and what obstacles must be overcome or minimised to achieve desired results. SWOT analysis is a useful technique to help craft strategy, and in this case, help with the planning/ execution of my inquiry and to analyse where the weaknesses in achieving my goal may lie.
I created my own SWOT analysis below:
Project- Professional Inquiry
Strengths Weaknesses
- Support from professional network, - Lacking in knowledge on my
friends and colleagues to help me achieve inquiry subject.
desired results.
- Current literature on inquiry topic that will - Inquiry lacks focus and a specific
strengthen and support argument desired result/ end goal.
Terminology and language used
needs to be improved.
- First- hand knowledge gained from dance - Interview questions are vague, need
background and of transitioning to a work place to be specific enough to give me the
outside of dance. information I need.
Opportunities Threats
- To get involved with SIG's, attend campus - Limited time frame to complete
sessions, communicate with BAPP Arts project, fitting schedule around full
practitioners and tutor to discuss inquiry topic. time work and other commitments.
- To discover data/ information for my line of - Findings/ data may not be
inquiry that could help my professional network conclusive or produce desired
and BAPP Arts practitioners in the future. results.
- My professional network of current and former - Participants may drop out of
dancers, who will participate and aid with my inquiry at last minute.
Thanks Ruth - useful way to look at your progress on the inquiry.